Monday, September 28, 2009

Paternity Leave, Day 1

My wife, Sophia, returned to work today as her maternity leave expired last week. Thankfully, I am able to assume the role of principal caregiver for our son, Ilias, for the next several months. This is our first child, so I am navigating uncharted waters. However, I have every confidence that I will be able to successfully fulfil the role & responsibility I have now assumed. At least, I hope so!

I decided to publish this blog detailing my experiences as a stay-at-home parent as I believe my successes and mistakes can provide helpful insights for other parents in similar situations. Time will tell whether or not this is true. So, let us see where this new life adventure takes us!

Sophia typed up a schedule for me detailing Ilias' feeding times and food portions, his snack times and preferences, his nap hour, and the all-important diaper check periods. So far, this morning has been largely uneventful as I stuck to the schedule as if my life depended on it. I fed the little guy his breakfast cereal, changed him, put him on his play mat for some exercise, and am now about to take him for a walk so he can get some fresh air and (hopefully) get tired enough for a nap.

So far, so good. Will keep you posted as we go...


  1. I had no idea ... congrats, Baba!

    It'll be interesting to see how well little Ilias sticks to his schedule. When my own little Yannis was actually little (he's 6'7" now at 20), he became the mastermind at teaching me flexibility. ;)

    Have fun!

  2. Brenda, Ilias' schedule has been pretty constant so far, I hope I can keep him on the straight and narrow that my wife managed to establish. We shall see... :-) Thanks for your kind words. As for your "little" Yannis, I hope he's no longer testing your adaptability? ;)
